Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

thoughts on give aways...

Have you ever won a give away?
A movie, merchandise article, book or something? Unfortunately, I never did.
I don't think I have ever won anything. But that's ok, I guess you can't win every time.
So, I have been participating in all kinds of book give aways. I love to read, and if you can't find me in the university library or at work, I'm probably at home, in my bed, re-reading my awesome smut collection of romance novels of all kinds of authors.
This entry is actually part of a give away thingy as well.

Julie James, one of my favourite authors, is giving away a copy of her book "Love Irresistibly" as well as an iPad mini (which would be substituted [is that even a word?], for me and all other contestants from outside the US, by a gift certificate for either apple or amazon - I would so love me some amazone gift certificate... just think about all the books I'd be able to buy...)

You can get a summary of Julie James book "Love Irresistibly" here, read an excerpt here and/or watch a video interview about the book here.

Wish me luck, try it yourself here, and make sure to check out Julie James on facebook =)

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