Montag, 25. Februar 2013

thoughts on losing weight...

I guess everybody's got issues with her or his weight and how their body looks like.
Well, I do. According to the BMI Index Chart my legs are to short.
I'm not gonna go and get them stretched or something (I read somewhere that some chinese or japanese people get that done because some of them are pretty small)
but I do know that for my 5'5" I am overweight and need to do something. Soon.

Through Facebook's The Couch to 5-k-Running Plan I came to, with the article How to find your ideal weight, which linked to several articles on how to get fit for different age groups. I am 25 so I chose Get fit in your 20's
It got me hooked - who wouldn't like to know, right?

So I used another link provided - to check out my BMI.
I am not going to lie - I always feel bad when I am getting on the scale or when I check my BMI (again) and my heart starts beating real fast and...
I just wish I hadn't eaten the last meal, even though that wasn't even something bad.

My BMI is currently at 34,4. Which is way too high. Everyone knows it, even if they don't know the exact numbers.
So let me tell you:
  • Underweight: < 18.5
  • Normal weight:  18.5 - 24.9
  • Overweight: 25 - 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI of 30 or greater
There's also an BMI Chart, showing you exactly where you are positioned right now and where you should be, considering your height.

So after thinking a while, and beeing fed up with my body and being single for the last couple years, I decided to lose weight. I want to reach an BMI of about 22, which I think is a good upper middle of the Normal weight section.
That means I am planning on loosing about 70.4 lbs.

I'm going to keep you updated - wish me luck.

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